If you are considering selling your home, you need to engage in some careful planning to make the process run smoothly. Selling your house involves more than just decluttering and getting those small projects finished up. You must get your home in order from a legal standpoint as well.
One of the most important documents necessary in selling your home in Iowa is your abstract. The abstract provides a complete history of ownership regarding your home. It is a legal-sized bound document that is difficult and expensive to replace if you misplace it, so locate your abstract before you start the sale process. You will not be able to finalize the sale process without it.
If you need a new abstract, contact Danilson Law, so we can coordinate the process of rebuilding your abstract. We have established relationships with local abstractors to be used to your benefit.
Other relevant documents to have to start the process include:
While some of these documents are not required, they can help speed up the sale process. For example, you do not necessarily need to tell your mortgage company that you are planning to sell your home but having payoff information can help you decide what kind of price you may want for your property.
Whether you choose to list with a real estate agent, a flat-fee broker, a real estate advertising company or simply do-it-yourself, Danilson Law can help you. No matter how you sell your home, an attorney will be involved at various points in the process.
When you buy or sell a home there are key times to include an attorney in the process, including but not limited to:
Contact Us
Danilson Law can help you with the legal aspects of selling your home. If you are considering buying or selling a home, contact us. We will walk you through the process steps and provide helpful tips and guidance along the way.