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Property Survey: A Critical Step in Iowa Real Estate Transactions

By January 14, 2022March 7th, 2023No Comments

A property survey is essential when buying or building a property in Iowa. They ensure the deed correctly describes and conveys all of the land in the transaction, and can prevent costly disputes. Let’s take a closer look at property surveys in Iowa, the different types available, and when you should get one.

Why a Property Survey is Crucial in Iowa

A property survey (a/k/a “boundary survey”) is critical when buying a home, building a home, or building an addition in Iowa. Although not required by law, having one completed is recommended to ensure the deed correctly describes and conveys all land involved in the transaction.

The Role of a Licensed Iowa Surveyor

All land surveys in Iowa must be conducted by a licensed surveyor. The surveyor will research the property’s history and obtain a title search to verify who owns the land. Next, they visit the property to sketch its boundaries and elements. This allows them to provide a map showing its legal limits, a written description of its features and improvements that homeowners can make. This survey also identifies right-of-ways and easements.

Different Types of Property Surveys

Licensed Iowa surveyors offer different survey types, including:

  • Land Surveys
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Monumentation Surveys
  • As-Built Surveys
  • Mortgage Surveys
  • Floodplain Surveys

Each type serves a specific purpose, and it’s crucial to consult with the surveyor to determine which one is suitable.

When to Get a Property Survey

An up-to-date survey is essential when buying or selling land, when there are property boundary questions or encroachments, and when remodeling or adding a fence. A property survey can prevent costly errors, such as building on someone else’s land.

Consult with an Experienced Real Estate Attorney

To ensure compliance with the law and avoid disputes with neighbors, it’s wise to obtain a property survey from a licensed Iowa surveyor. If you have questions, seek advice from an experienced real estate attorney like Jeremy Danilson.


Hi, I'm Jeremy Danilson, a native Iowan and founder of Danilson Law.

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